If you are intending to lodge an application to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), seeking a review of an NDIS decision, please note that you must lodge the application for review within 28 DAYS after you receive the decision from the NDIA (the Agency).
Please go to the AAT website for details on how to lodge your application within the 28-day time limit.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is how support is funded for Australians with disability, their families
and carers.
The NDIS helps people with disability to:
access mainstream services and supports
access community services and supports
maintain informal support arrangements
receive reasonable and necessary funded supports, including therapies and equipment
Assistance from the NDIS is not means tested and has no impact on income support such as the Disability Support Pension and Carers Allowance.
The NDIS has a YouTube channel where you can watch many easy to follow videos about how the NDIS works and what it might mean for you:
What can we do?
Is your NDIS Plan unsuitable for you?
Has the National Disability Insurance Agency told you that you are not eligible for services to be funded by the NDIS?
We can help you to apply for a review of the decision or we can help with a full appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). Our Centrelink and the AAT Fact Sheet will provide you with valuable information about how the Administrative Appeals Tribunals works.
Who is eligible?
Anyone who has applied for a plan of supports from the NDIS and is not satisfied with the outcome.
More information: information, forms, easy read and audio versions are available here from the Department of Social Services.